
Grass Tetany in Livestock

Grass Tetany in Livestock

Grass tetany can be a serious and even fatal problem for different types of livestock. Understanding and recognizing the condition, however, can help you keep your animals healthy and prevent grass tetany from taking a toll on your livestock. About Grass Tetany Grass tetany is a magnesium deficiency in an animal’s blood and is often more common in lactating females or older animals that have more difficulty absorbing magnesium. Ruminants are susceptible to grass tetany, including cattle, sheep, and goats, and the disease is most common in spring and fall when pasture may not have as much new growth rich...

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Tips To Prevent Barn Flies

Tips To Prevent Barn Flies

With summertime in full swing, it means there are longer days and more time you can spend outside with your barn animals. However, summertime and warm weather also means that flies begin to reproduce and will start tormenting your livestock. Follow these tips to fight back and prevent barn flies from causing problems for both you and your barn animals. Flies are not only annoying, but they can also spread diseases to your horses and livestock that can lead to digestive or growth problems. Preventing barn flies is not just about getting rid of a pest; it’s also about protecting...

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How to Build a Chicken Coop

How to Build a Chicken Coop

Chickens can be a valuable addition to any urban homestead, hobby farm, or budget-friendly household. But to keep chickens safe and comfortable, a coop is essential. Knowing how to build a chicken coop can help you provide a proper home for your flock. Why Chickens Need a Coop A chicken coop is more than just a quaint decoration or kitschy structure. A chicken coop provides… Shelter from inclement or stressful weather, including rain, snow, wind, or sun Protection from predators and nest raiders like raccoons, hawks, rats, and snakes Comfort and privacy for nesting or roosting hens to improve their...

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Pregnant Mare Problems

Pregnant Mare Problems

Pregnancy is a delicate condition for any animal, including horses. Being aware of the most common pregnant mare problems can help you stay alert to the health of your horse and her unborn foal. The more familiar you are with the mare’s condition, the easier it will be to correct any possible complications that may occur. About Equine Pregnancies A mare can be fertile and ready to breed as early as 18 months old, but it is often better to wait to breed a mare until she is four years old. At that time, she will have reached her mature...

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Spring Garden Hazards

Spring Garden Hazards

As spring arrives and the first buds appear, gardening can be a relaxing and healthy way to pass the time. But it can also pose some potential risks to our cat and dog friends. With care and some knowledge, these risks can be avoided. Here is a list of potential concerns. Fertilizers and Pesticides: Fertilizers containing blood meal, bone meal, feather meal or iron can be tasty for dogs and particularly dangerous. Ingestion of large amounts of meal containing products can form concretions in the stomach resulting in obstruction and severe pancreatitis. Those containing iron can lead to iron poisoning...

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